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王嘉世卫英文演讲稿曝光 登上国际舞台为国争光

来源:网络整理 编辑:演讲稿基地 时间:2018-05-07

  新浪娱乐讯 10月23日上午,四位中国青年代表钢琴家吴牧野[微博]、青年演员王嘉[微博]、易烊千玺[微博]、关晓彤[微博]应世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞博士的邀请前往日内瓦世卫总部参加其特别会面,就青年领袖如何在提高公众对艾滋病的歧视和污名化上发挥积极作用进行讨论,这样的特别会面是世界卫生组织首次邀请中国青年代表并聆听其看法。三位中国90后青年代表王嘉、易烊千玺和关晓彤全程英文发言引起强烈反响,世界卫生组织更在社交平台上曝光了青年演员王嘉的演讲稿,国际媒体盛赞中国青年代表心怀世界,目光远大,预示着中国新一代青年将成为国际社会不可忽视的重要力量。



 Good morning Mr. Director-General, Dr. Schwartlander, ladies and gentlemen,

I am honored to be part of this very important campaign. Thank you Mr. Director General and Dr. Shwartlander for your kind invitation and warm reception. I feel even more honored when I noticed that in exactly this same room, the Director of my alma mater, Professor Peng, agreed to become WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Tuberculosis and HIV, when she delivered an important message on behalf of China to the world, that our country will be doing her best to combat HIV and provide sufficient and superior care to its victims to help them live a good life. As of today, I am very proud that my country has made tremendous progress in fulfilling Professor Peng's promises.

As an actor, I think it is of great importance to use my influence and voice to help enhance this important message and help people affected by HIV live better. Discrimination against people affected by HIV is contrary to the core value of China and is not something the next generation of our society should tolerate. I therefore take advantage of this global stage to call for all young people, not only in China but globally, to eradicate prejudice and discrimination, and to give care and support to the HIV affected people. Only in this way can we build a harmonious society where individual as well as collective value can be fulfilled and realized, and a better world can be achieved. I am confident in my country's ability and potential, and I will certainly do my best. Thank you all very much.






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